Selfcare For Christian Women – Is it God’s Will?

I look at my stretch marks & to me, they are my battle scars. They represent the time in my life when I was the strongest I have ever been.

However, it’s after welcoming our baby girl, that my life took a turn I seriously regret. I gave & gave until my cup ran dry. What’s worse, I considered it “selfish” to practice any form of self care. 

Why buy myself new clothes when that money could go towards groceries? Or why get my hair done when the Lord’s work is yet to be done?

I thought I was honoring God by walking around looking like a homeless person, yet talking about how Jesus saves. 

Can you relate to this? If so, I want to help you see another perspective:

God Is Not Glorified By Disciples Who Look Unpresentable.

First impressions last. When you let yourself go to the point of looking unpleasant, unbelievers will associate your God with mediocrity. 

Let me explain – have you ever stumbled upon network marketers in the MLM industry, who claim that if you join their “business”, you’ll be a millionaire in less than 2 months? And the one who’s telling you this has been in the business for 2 years, but is struggling more than you?

What’s your immediate perception of the business they’re trying to push? Probably that it’s a scam! How can you make such exaggerated claims when it’s not reflecting in your own life?

Similarly, how can you claim that Jesus can transform their life, if on the outside, you’re a hot mess! God won’t send an angel from heaven to cook for you healthy meals, exercise for you or take a shower on your behalf.

Remember, life is unfair, no one knows (or cares!) about the personal hurdles you’ve been facing, they won’t be sympathetic.

Fortunately, there are simple, dirt cheap ways to maintain a clean, classy look, no matter what you’re going through in life. Be sure to stick around ‘till the end!

Why You’re Feeling Guilty About Taking Care of Yourself & Looking Good.

A few weeks after the Lord opened my eyes to my broken thinking, I could already see things changing around me.

People listened to me more, respected me more & wanted to be around me. That’s how Jesus was treated when He walked this earth! 

Paying attention to your physical appearance will create a pedestal for Jesus to be seen in you!

Here are the main reasons why we may feel guilty for allocating time for self care:

  1. Pride – You think people admire you for being “selfless” & “self-forgetful”. I put those words in quotes because neglecting yourself completely is not selfless, but unsustainable.
  1. Broken thinking – God never asks us to completely neglect ourselves, but to put ourselves last. Always separate a portion of your time/resources for yourself, then tend your needs last, after everyone is sorted. 
  1. We are judgemental – Satan has a way of taking a good thing and twisting it for evil. You may see how the self care movement has been twisted in the world & judge others. This will make you averse to the whole idea.

Safe Ideas For Practicing Self Care As A Christian Woman

This  can include activities that promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, while aligning with your faith values. Here are some examples of what self-care can look like for you:

  1. Quiet time: Setting aside time each day for prayer, Bible study, and reflection can help Christian moms connect with God and find peace and strength.
  1. Church activities: Attending church services, Bible studies, or prayer groups can provide opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth.
  1. Exercise: Engaging in physical activities like running, or strength training can improve overall health and help manage stress.
  1. Journaling: Writing down thoughts, prayers, or gratitude can help you process emotions and reflect on their faith.
  1. Creative activities: Taking time for creative activities such as painting, drawing, or knitting can provide a sense of purpose and enjoyment.
  1. Nature walks: Spending time in nature, enjoying God’s creation, can be a restorative and calming activity.
  1. Quality time with family: Setting aside time for quality time with loved ones, like playing games or having a family movie night, can help you feel connected and joyful.
  1. Healthy eating: Eating a balanced, nutritious diet can help you take care of your body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
  1. Practicing forgiveness: Forgiving oneself and others can lead to emotional healing and freedom.
  1. Seeking professional help: You may also benefit from seeking professional help, such as counseling, to address mental health concerns and work through personal issues in a faith-based context.

I pray the Lord walks with you. Remember, He will never leave you, nor forsake you. Subscribe for more impactful content!

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